Saturday, October 11, 2008

Short Week!!

The week of the 13th is a short week. We have school Mon Tue and a short day Wed. There is no school on Thurs or Friday. Then we are off track after that, so kids won't be back until November 10th. I hope everyone has a fantastic break.

Kids can start working on push ups during their time off if they would like and they can also keep practicing their math facts. We also have a reading challenge from the principal to see who can get the most reading minutes before Noveber 10th, so we have an advantage being off track because kids will have more time to read! They need to keep a log of the date and the minutes they read and parents need to sign it. Kids need to bring this back to me on Monday, November 10th! They can read whatever they want and are interested in and could even get their next book for their next book report read! Happy reading!

1 comment:

Brent Festge said...
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